

英 ['sɪfɪlɪs] 美['sɪfɪlɪs]
  • n. [性病] 梅毒



形容词: syphilitic;


syphilis 梅毒

来自 1530 年出版于意大利的一首拉丁语诗《Syphilis,sive Morbus Gallicus》,翻译成英语即 “Syphilis,or the French Disease”,来自 Syphilis,人名,sive,或者,Morbus,病,词源同 morbid, 病态的,Gallicus,高卢。该诗讲述了一个叫 Syphilis 的牧羊人得了梅毒的故事,可能为欧洲 历史上第一个得此病的人。这首诗的创作背景如下:在 1494 年,法国入侵意大利,同年或 在 1495 年,在意大利那不勒斯发生了欧洲历史上第一次梅毒的大规模爆发,那不勒斯人坚 定认为该传染病是由法国军队入侵带来的,因此也就称之为“法国病”。后 1530 年,意大 利医生和诗人 Girolamo Fracastoro 创作了该诗歌,描述了该病在意大利的肆虐成灾,而 Syphilis 也成为梅毒的代名词。


syphilis: [18] Syphilus was the name of a shepherd who according to Syphilis sive morbus Gallicus (Syphilis or the French disease) 1530, a poem by the Veronese doctor Girolamo Fracastoro, was the first sufferer from syphilis. The word Syphilis in Fracastoro’s title meant simply ‘narrative about Syphilus’; he did not use it as a generic term for the disease until 1546, in a treatise called De contagione (Concerning contagious disease). It is not known where he got the name Syphilus from.
syphilis (n.)
infectious venereal disease, 1718, Modern Latin, originally from the title of a poem, "Syphilis, sive Morbus Gallicus" "Syphilis, or the French Disease," published 1530, by Veronese doctor Girolamo Fracastoro (1483-1553), which tells the tale of the shepherd Syphilus, supposed to be the first sufferer from the disease. Fracastoro first used the word as a generic term for the disease in his 1546 treatise "De Contagione." Why he chose the name is unknown; it may be intended as Latin for "Pig-lover," though there was also a Sipylus, a son of Niobe, in Ovid.


1. Syphilis developed a few days after the wedding.


2. Syphilis, that is, smallpox, came from the West, and so on.
梅毒即是天花, 来自西洋等等.

来自汉英文学 - 围城

3. So long as congenital syphilis early diagnosis, is also may permanently cure.
先天性梅毒只要早期确诊, 也是可以根治的.


4. Syphilis: Sexually transmitted disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum.
梅毒: 由苍白密螺旋体(Treponemapallidum)引起引起的一种性传染病.


5. What symptom does syphilis have? Through what to infect?
梅毒有哪些症状? 都是通过什么传染的?
